tisdag 5 juni 2012

Atherton flies

Godmorning to you all..
The last couple of weeks has actually given me time to tie some flies. After I spent some time on my friend David´s blog reading about John Atherton and his flies I couldnt bringing out the vise, thank´s David. David ties a really mean dry fly and is very devoted to th the Catskill Style Dry flies, keep it up David.

I will get back later with more of theses flies, I did offcourse order the Atherton´s book, The Fly and the Fish. I have decided that I will try to dig a little deeper in to Atherton as a person and a flytier. Atherton is quite interesting he was a wellknown artist in the states, published a lot of covers for papers and posters for events etc

Now I am offcourse more interested in the flies but the thing is that the flies and his feeling for art is connected. Atherton was very keen on getting his flies "impresionitic" he meant that the bugs we are imitating was built up by different colours. To imitat this he worked with mixing up the dubbing for the flies to get the colours that he wanted. But more about that later when I have read the book, hopefully it will come soon :-)

I did try the Atherton No:5 which is the most common one. The fly is supposed to have oval tinsel, i didn´t have that so I used flat tinsel which offcourse doesnt give the fly the same chareteristics but let put this one in the practice category.

Over and out... 

1 kommentar:

  1. Hi, nice fly! Looks more or less like a Hendriksson dry fly. I'm new to Atherton but I'll do some checking out on the net.
    Have fun tying lovely dry flies,
